Who We Are

WE ARE a church family extending a warm and friendly welcome to all.


We are more than just a congregation; we are a church family that extends a warm and friendly welcome to all who seek to journey with us. Our doors are open, and our hearts are ready to embrace you as you become part of our community.

Our Vision

Empowered by the Holy Spirit

At St. Peter’s by the Sea Presbyterian Church, our vision is driven by the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to glorifying God in all that we do, whether it’s within our church walls or out in the world. Our aim is to radiate the love of Christ through our actions, words, and deeds.

To glorify God is to honor Him with praise, worship and thanksgiving.

We are dedicated to nurturing and growing followers of Christ. Through dynamic worship experiences, enriching teachings, and meaningful connections, we seek to strengthen our faith and deepen our understanding of what it means to be Christ’s disciples. Our journey of growth is one that we share as a community, supporting each other through every step.

As faithful servants of God, we recognize the importance of meeting human needs. Our church is not just a place of worship; it’s a beacon of compassion and service. We are committed to reaching out to those in need, both within our congregation and in the broader community. Through acts of kindness, generosity, and support, we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

We invite you to join us on this incredible journey of faith, love, and service. Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, a welcoming community, or an opportunity to make a difference, St. Peter’s by the Sea Presbyterian Church is here to walk alongside you.

Guided by Jesus’ great commandment to love God, and our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:28-34), and the Apostle Paul’s teaching of acceptance of one another (Romans 14:1 – 15:13), St. Peter’s by the Sea is an open and affirming faith community. Our congregation recognizes that all people are uniquely loved and valued by God. Persons of every race, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital status, and economic condition are integral to our community. As an open and affirming church, St. Peter’s by the Sea welcomes, embraces and celebrates diversity at all levels of our congregational life.