4:45PM Children’s Ash Wednesday Service in the Sanctuary.
5:15PM Simple Soup & Salad Supper held in the Fireside Room.
6PM Join us for a very special Ash Wednesday service as we enter into the season of Lent together.
In-Person Worship Only | 6:00 PM
Holy Thursday will incorporate Maundy Thursday & Good Friday
6AM | Sunrise Communion Service in Reeves Hall In-Person Worship ONLY
10AM | In-Person & Online Worship
Easter Egg Hunt following the 10AM Service
Coffee, Donuts, and Fellowship after each service.
Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with people experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and communities.
Give during the service at offering collection or in the secure giving box found in the back of the sanctuary.
Venmo @StPeters-bytheSea