Easter at St. Peters

About the theme & Logo

Our theme, “Everything in Between,” Meeting God in the midst of extremes, invites us to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to transformation. The Gospel of Luke will guide us through Lent, encourage us to notice the dichotomies that define our lives, and imagine where God might be meeting us.  
The two hands reaching toward each other represent our longing for connection despite the politics, assumptions, beliefs, and narratives that divide us. The hands look as if they are reaching in for a handshake, but they are paused just before they connect. The negative space in between the hands creates the shape of a doorway, symbolizing hospitality or a pathway forward. The doorway invites us to look for God in the spaces in between. The “in” is bracketed in the typography, emphasizing the promise that God shows up in surprising ways and unexpected places, but is present in it all. The shape of the hands further echoes the bracket shape. Grammatically, brackets are used to provide additional explanation or information. The brackets around the [in] represent the charge to each of us: to dig deeper into complexity and nuance, to ask questions and stay curious, and to be open to where God might meet us along the way.

Art, Poetry, and Reflections for Lent

We invite you to to use the devotional to deepen your spiritual walk through Lent.

Ash Wednesday

March 5

4:45PM  Children’s Ash Wednesday Service in the Sanctuary.

     5:15PM  Simple Soup & Salad Supper held in the Fireside Room.

        6PM  Join us for a very special Ash Wednesday service as we enter into the season of Lent together.  

You are invited to stay and walk the Labyrinth or to remain in the Sanctuary following worship for a time of prayer and quiet reflection.

Holy thursday

April 17

In-Person Worship Only | 6:00 PM

Holy Thursday will incorporate Maundy Thursday & Good Friday 


Easter Sunday

April 20

6AM | Sunrise Communion Service in Reeves Hall In-Person Worship ONLY

10AM | In-Person & Online Worship 

Easter Egg Hunt following the 10AM Service 

Coffee, Donuts, and Fellowship after each service.  


One Great Hour of Sharing Offering

Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with people experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and communities.

Other Ways to Give

Give on Sunday

Give during the service at offering collection or in the secure giving box found in the back of the sanctuary.

Give Online



Venmo @StPeters-bytheSea